KitchenCraft Stay Fresh Potato Bag

Product code: 94000560

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£8.48 (£7.07 +VAT)
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Have you ever opened your cupboard to find a pile of soft, unusable potatoes? Or an odd, alien-like sprouted one hiding at the back? Avoid the disappointment with KitchenCraft’s canvas potato preserving bag. It helps keep your potatoes fresher for longer, meaning less wasted food, and fewer trips to the shop to stock up!

On first glance it may just look like an ordinary food sack. But underneath, it’s so much more! This canvas bag features a breathable blackout lining, which creates the perfect atmospheric conditions for potato storage. When you’re about to prepare a meal, simply unzip the side pocket and grab a potato no need to worry about whether it’s going to be mouldy or not!


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