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    Plain Kraft Brown 2.5lb Paper Food Tray (500)
    £42.14 (£35.12 +VAT)
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    2lb Kraft Paper Food Tray EWT7152
    £60.22 (£50.18 +VAT)
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    Infinity Medium Meal Box HP2 (250)
    £30.06 (£25.05 +VAT)
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    Infinity Large Burger Box HP6 (250)
    £26.54 (£22.12 +VAT)
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    White Bagasse Food Box (190x150x70mm) (250)
    £32.86 (£27.38 +VAT)
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    Infinity Large Meal Box TT10 (250)
    £31.38 (£26.15 +VAT)
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    XL Two Compartment Meal Box (125)
    £29.24 (£24.37 +VAT)
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    XL Three Compartment Meal Box (125)
    £29.24 (£24.37 +VAT)
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    Kraft STD Burger Box 105X105X85mm (250)
    £38.53 (£32.11 +VAT)
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