Oerlikon Fluxofil 14HD E71T1 Wire 1.2mm x 16Kg

Product code: 34066065

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Inverness Depot8
Fluxofil 14HD is a seamless copper coated rutile flux cored wire with a higher filling degree results in a higher current carrying capacity and high deposition rate. The welding speed is increased which leads to a saving of time and reduction of costs. It can be used in all positions with only one welding parameter setting (24 volts, wire feed = 9m/min, wire dia. 1,2mm). Fluxofil 14 HD is used for manual welding, as well as in fully mechanized welding by means of the orbital welding unit Citotrack OSG-O1 or the vertical welding set Citotrack VSG-O1. It is preferably used under mixed shielding gas and is characterized by low spatter loss, good slag removal and finely rippled, pore-free welds without undercut

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