Security 2.3mtr Fixed Leg Barrier

Product code: 70201231

In Stock Check Stock By Store
Elgin Depot5
Turriff Depot7
Fort William Depot20
Perth Depot35
Kirkwall Depot44
Inverness Depot598
£58.20 (£48.50 +VAT)
The fixed leg pedestrian barrier is a unique, one piece barrier which has been specially designed for the events industry, where speed of erection/dismantle and security are the main concern. The barrier is similar in specification to the bar barrier with the addition of heavy gauge tubular feet which are permanently welded to the frame in an offset position, which make them ideal for stacking when not in use.

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    • fully welded joints for additional durability.
    • The unique offset leg design allows the barriers to stack flush taking up minimal space offering efficient storage and cost effective transportation.

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