6000 Joker Ratcheting Combination Wrenches

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Elgin Depot1
Dundee Depot1
Kirkwall Depot1
From £27.44 (£22.87 +VAT)
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The Joker ratchet wrench spanner is a real revolution in wrench technology. The Joker performs fastening jobs in almost every conceivable situation, quickly and with great precision. Its unique features include a holding function, a limit stop, 30° return angle for resricted access, anti-slip reinforced jaw and an ultra-fine high torque ratchet end. The holding function means nuts and bolts can be held in the jaw and easily positioned where they are needed. The stop plate holds the nut, eliminating the need to use your thumb as a depth stop. The stop plate also has teeth to grip a locked or broken nut and the jaw has been reinforced to stop any risk of spreading, ensuring easier and safer releasing of the fastener. The double hex jaw allows a 30 degree return angle rather than the 60 degrees a standard offset spanner needs, therefore is ideal in tight spaces. On the ratchet end an ultra-fine 80 tooth mechanism has been designed to also be exceptionally strong allowing high torque transmission capabilities.
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  • Open-end fastener hold function
  • Depth stop keeps open-end securely on fasteners
  • High torque transmission capabilities, ideal pipe union wrench
  • Needs only half the working space of a normal open jaw wrench
  • Ultra fine, very strong 80 tooth ring ratchet 4.5°
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