Bahco 24422F Hardpoint Handsaw 22in Fine Cut

Product code: 52401168

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Fort William Depot2
Kirkwall Depot6
£14.77 (£12.31 +VAT)
The 244 range of Bahco handsaws feature a universal tooth set with high frequency hardened teeth giving up to five times the life of conventional teeth. Particularly effective for cross cut and rip performance on chipboard, hardboard and hardwood. The plastic handle incorporates 45º and 90º marking guides and is securely screwed to the blade.

The 244 PRC saw is ideal for precision work, with fine toothing for a perfect result.

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    • Universal tooth set with high frequency hardened teeth.
    • Plastic handle incorporates 45º and 90º marking guides.
    • Blade length: 550mm (22 in)
    • 9 TPI.

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