Baileys Speedi-Beet 20kg

Product code: 75740104

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Manufactured by British Horse Feeds, Speedi-Beet is unmolassed sugar beet pulp cooked via a unique patented process to produce flakes which need a fraction of the soaking time of traditional sugar beet shreds or pellets. It is high in fibre, particularly soluble fibre which is readily digested and yields slow release energy, as well as being low in sugar and containing no starch.

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    With a Digestible Energy content similar to that of a conditioning feed, Speedi-Beet is a useful source of non-heating calories and can be fed, alongside forage, as the sole additional calorie source, with Lo-Cal, Performance or Stud Balancer supplying those nutrients which are be lacking in a forage/fibre-only diet.

    Being starch-free, Speedi-Beet is particularly useful for those horses whose starch intake requires minimising or controlling, like those prone to laminitis or tying-up. It can also be fed as an additional fibre source to good-doers, as part of a calorie-controlled diet. 250g of Speedi-Beet swells to a whole Stubbs scoop of beet, when soaked, yet supplies no more calories than a scoop of Light Chaff.

    • Those requiring forage alternatives in the field or stable
    • Horses on a low starch diet needing low sugar, high fibre calories
    • Good-doers who need to be kept chewing, while controlling calorie intake
    • Baileys' preferred Beet brand
    Unmolassed sugar beet flakes
    digestible energy11.0 MJ/kg

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