Cougartron CGT-550 Weld Cleaning & Polishing Fluid 5L

Product code: 34014111

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Inverness Depot8
£122.71 (£102.26 +VAT)
Cougartron CGT-550 weld cleaning and polishing fluid is used for cleaning, polishing, and passivating stainless steel welds and surfaces after welding and fabrication. The CGT-550 is our most effective and powerful fluid that can be used for all types of TIG and MIG weld.

Important: Weld cleaning brush needs to be wet at all times for optimal results. Therefore, dip the brush frequently into the weld cleaning fluid during the cleaning or electropolishing process.

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    • Dip the weld cleaning brush into the weld cleaning fluid CGT-550
    • Clean the weld with a circular motion until the desired result
    • Wipe away any excess fluid residue from the treated surface
    • Apply neutralizing fluid on the cleaned area
    • Wipe away with a clean cloth

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