Dengie Alfa A Oil

Product code: 75740131

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The ultimate pure alfalfa fibre feed for fuelling hard work, improving stamina and promoting condition in horses and ponies. The addition of rape seed oil makes this feed excellent for providing slow-release energy without the fizz. As Alfa-A Oil is free from molasses and cereal grains it is ideal for over-excitable individuals, those prone to muscle problems or broodmares. Alfa-A Oil provides slow-release energy, which is comparable to a conditioning or competition mix, but provides 10 times less starch, making it ideal for horses with ERS which research indicates benefit from a low sugar and starch diet. Click here to read about how to feed horses with ERS. Alfalfa is rich in highly digestible fibre, packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. High in protein it is ideal for helping to develop muscle tone and for muscle function Alfa-A Oil has a high oil content, perfect for show ring condition, healthy skin and coat shine. Bag Size - 20KG

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