Everbuild Coving Adhesive & Joint Filler

Product code: 16258250

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Turriff Depot12
Kirkwall Depot13
Inverness Depot34
£4.14 (£3.45 +VAT)
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Coving adhesive is a high strength solvent free gap filling adhesive that provides a quick ‘grab’ for fixing polystyrene and plaster coving and cornices to sound porous surfaces. Dries white and is over paintable when dry.

Click the link below for the Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet


    • Do not apply Coving Adhesive at temperatures below +4°C.
    • Application Temp. Range +4°C to +40°C
    • Coving Adhesive should be at room temperature when you begin using the product. If Coving Adhesive has been stored in cool conditions it should be placed in a warm room / bucket of warm water before use to gently heat up to working temperature.

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