Filarc 56S E7016 Low Hydrogen Electrodes Vac-Pac

Product code: 34055005

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Dundee Depot8
Inverness Depot48
Basic, thin-coated AC/DC electrode providing excellent mechanical properties. The electrode ensures fully penetrated root passes, even under adverse conditions. Low moisture content coating and high resistance to moisture re-absorption. The electrode is CTOD tested.

When ordering more than one pack, they can be bundled into a carton. This happens at:

  • (2.5mm x 0.7Kg) x 9 Packs = 1 Carton
  • (3.2mm x 2.2Kg) x 6 Packs = 1 Carton
  • (4.0mm x 4.6Kg) x 6 Packs = 1 Carton
  • (5.0mm x 2.1Kg) x 6 Packs = 1 Carton
  • Size

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  • Diameter: 3.2mm or 4.0mm

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