ForgeFix 4.0x70 Elite Torx Screw Tub (600)

Product code: 10195785

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£32.08 (£26.73 +VAT)
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Professional, elite performance multi-purpose woodscrews. Ideal for Fixing into most wood applications.


    • Elementech 400 surface coating provides corrosion resistance.
    • Salt spray tested to 400 hours.
    • A Non-Cr, Cr3+, yellow/zinc plated surface is environmentally friendly.
    • A deep torx compatible head ensures reduced cam-out, higher torque levels and a firmer drive.
    • Patented self-drilling thread - no pilot hole needed.
    • Torx compatible insert for a higher transmission of power.
    • Patented drill/drive shank for faster drive, reduced splitting and 'jacking' of the timber, increased pull-out and firmer fix.
    • A sharp point for faster bite, capable of penetrating 0.8mm steel.
    • Unique self drilling shank drives into most substrates -including hardwood - with ease.
    • Hardened case and core give exceptional strength.
    • Improved countersinking from recessed ribs.
    • Impressive pull out value and less risk of working loose when used in substrates that flex in use.
    • Flexes to 35º reducing likelihood of screw shearing when used in substrates that flex in use.
    • CE approved for use in load-bearing timber construction.
    • Free torx bit with every tub.

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