Grazon Pro 1L

Product code: 40006213

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Kirkwall Depot5
Inverness Depot19
£96.90 (£80.75 +VAT)
The ideal spot treatment solution for a wide range of difficult to control weeds where safety to grass is important.

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    • It contains 60 g/L clopyralid + 240 g/L triclopyr. This combination provides excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle and common nettle and also has an effect on a large range of other weeds
    • It is one of very few products with a label which fully endorses the use via hand held application equipment
    • It is fast acting and controls a wide spectrum of weeds
    • It moves to the roots ensuring high levels of long-term control
    • Stock grazing can resume only 7 days after application (but longer if poisonous weeds such as ragwort are present)
    • It is very good value for money – 16 knapsacks from each litre of product when mixed in 10 litre batches
    • It is rainfast in only 2 hours and is very safe to grass

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