Greyland Chlorine Tablets (200)

Product code: 62020340

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Elgin Depot2
Fort William Depot6
Dundee Depot9
Perth Depot37
Inverness Depot72
£17.22 (£14.35 +VAT)
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Greyland Effervescent Disinfectant & Cleaning Tablets are an NaDCC based disinfectant tablet formulated to be effective against MRSA, Viruses, C Difficile, algae, fungi, and all food poisoning bacteria.

Suitable for general purpose sanitising, deodorising and disinfecting of most non-porous hard surfaces. Each tablet releases a minimum of 1,000ppm of available chlorine per litre of water.

Click below for the Safety Data Sheet

Greyland Chlorine Tablets Safety Data Sheet


    • Fast dissolving. Kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores
    • Safer to handle and transport than liquid hypochlorite
    • Each tablet produces 200ppm chlorine in 5lt of water

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