Haemmerlin 150 Ltr Wheelbarrow Galvanised

4.5 / 5 (2 reviews)

Product code: 50401952

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£196.08 (£163.40 +VAT)
150Ltr Galvanised tray on a 32mm Green frame.

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    • Fitted with soft feel handlegrips for added comfort.
    • Metal disc pneumatic wheel 4.00 x 8.

    Customer reviews

    4.5 out of 5 stars overall (from 2 reviews)

    Written by robert campbell on 01/08/2013
    Great product fast delivery
    Written by Donna Mather on 23/07/2013
    A great wheelbarrow, very strongly made and nicely balanced which makes it very easy to push when it is full. This is the biggest wheelbarrow I have found that is still quite easy to use and manouevre. Definitely a good buy.

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