Industrial Brushstrip 3000mm

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Kirkwall Depot1
Inverness Depot14
From £31.28 (£26.07 +VAT)

Superseal Brush Strip with 180º Carrier is perfect for sealing gaps around doors and equipment against uncontrolled airflow, dirt, dust, noise, pests and cold smoke without impairing moving parts.

Available in standard brush heights from

26mm,   49mm   &   100 mm

and a length of 3000mm

Carrier strip heights - KH - are:
26mm is 17.5mm
49mm is 28.1mm
102mm is 34mm

Superseal Brush Strip is constructed with Nylon (PA6) fill material secured into a plated steel backing and mounted durable aluminium carrier.
The hard wearing fill material seals and adapts easily to moving or irregular surfaces and has excellent bend recovery, chemical resistance and temperature stability.

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  • Hard wearing Nylon 6 fill material
  • Durable mill finish 180º aluminium carrierV Brush heights of 26mm, 49mm and 100 mm
  • Standard brush lengths 3000 mm

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