Mastercrete Cement 25kg

Product code: 16287486

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Inverness Depot272
Supplied in weather resistant plastic packaging, Mastercrete is an enhanced Portland- limestone cement conforming fully to BS EN 197-1 CEM II/A-L (or LL) 32,5R.

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    • Consistent strength meeting all the conformity criteria in BS EN 197-1.
    • Contains cement quality improver to give the following benefits compared with ordinary Portland cement: lower water demand, more cohesive mix, less tendency for water to segregate and bleed and enhanced resistance of hardened concrete or mortar to freeze/thaw attack.
    • Mastercrete entrains a controlled quantity of air and the addition of admixture of the air-entraining type is unnecessary and not recommended for concrete. In mortar and rendering, the addition of proprietary air-entraining mortar plasticiser is either unnecessary or the manufacturer’s recommended dosage significantly reduced dependant upon the sand used. Other proprietary admixtures of the non air-entraining type and pigments are compatible with Mastercrete. Trial mixes are recommended to determine optimum mix proportions.
    • Concreting
    • Mortar Jointing & Repointing
    • Rendering
    • Floor Screeds
    • Repairing Render/ Screeds
    • Resistance - Enhanced resistance to freeze/thaw attack.
    • Water demand - A lower water demand
    • Cohesive mix - A more cohesive mix
    • Less water bleed - Less tendency for water to segregate and bleed

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