Nikko Steel RD-718 E7018 Electrodes

Product code: 34055848

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This group of electrodes has predetermined levels of Mo and Cr or both to provide weld metals with improved elevated temperature performance over that attainable with straight Carbon Manganese Alloyed steels.

The design features of the electrodes are closely related to those of the group High Tensile and Low Alloy Steels, eg: very low weld metal hydrogen levels and very low levels of non-metallic weld metal inclusions. Within the scope of the specified weld metal analysis, the optimum ratio of weld metal Mn to Si ratio is achieved to guard against solidification cracking.

The hardenability of the higher alloyed types when welding thicker sections dictates that high pre-heat followed by the immediate recommended PWHT should be a mandatory feature of the weld procedure.

Should immediate PWHT not be possible, the component should not be allowed to cool below 150 ºC before PWHT commences. In the case of RD-16B8 which deposits 9Cr-1Mo weld metal welded with a pre-heat of 200 – 350 ºC, an ex

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