Numatic TRM240 110V Vacuum

Product code: 30502562

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£198.00 (£165.00 +VAT)
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There is a legal duty for employers to prevent or adequately control worker exposure to construction dust.​ The new TradeLine TRM240 is an effective and affordable solution to ensure site compliancy where an M-Class product is required. Robust and durable, the TRM240 provides everything you expect from a trusted brand, whilst significantly reducing exposure to dusts which are hazardous to health.


    • Advanced Filtration: M-Class compliant, the long-life and washable HEPA14 filter provides the most advanced filtration of 99.995% at 0.3 microns.​
    • Built to Last: Made for tough with a long-life 620W motor proven to last many, many years.
    • Powerful & Efficient: Patented AirFlo technology brings exceptional performance.
    • Ease of Transit: Compact size, the TRM240 is easily stored and manoeuvred from van to site.
    • A Tool for Every Job: Professional and versatile AS76 accessory kit and Stainless Steel tube set.

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