Radar NKS lockset

Product code: 12014159

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Elgin Depot1
Inverness Depot4
£190.00 (£158.33 +VAT)
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Retro-fits RADAR lock. The NEW Accessible Toilet Lockset has many unique features to offer ease of installation and user friendly functionality.

The lock body incorporates a simplified internal mechanism to ensure a smooth and light pressure operation by any existing National Key Scheme (NKS) key.
Furthermore the key can be turned in either direction to withdraw the latch providing added assistance to less dexterous users.

LOCK CASE - Standard size for new installation or retro fit, stainless steel faceplate, quick reverse latch bolt, stainless steel strike plate.

FURNITURE - Stainless steel construction, 19mm return to door safety lever handle, universal fit - no handing required, bolt through fixings with anti tamper external heads, external status indicator and emergency release.

Each lockset includes lock case, furniture strike plate, all fixings, installation key and fitting instructions.


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