Rutland ESS 400 (0.4J) Solar Energiser

Product code: 70700400

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Elgin Depot2
Inverness Depot3
£250.00 (£208.33 +VAT)
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The Rutland ESS400 Solar Electric Fence Energiser is a highly effective compact solar device for powering electric fencing in horse paddocks and small fence systems without vegetation. The Rutland ESS400 is the new, replacement model for the ESS610 and has a deep discharge protection for battery voltage < 11.2 volt - (if activated => only red flashing). This fence energiser features intelligent battery management with deep discharge protection, 2 weeks run time without sun and long battery life.


    Warranty: 3 Years

    Stored Joules: 0.40J

    Maximum Output: 0.25J

    Maximum Voltage: 10,500V

    Voltage in Open Circuit: 10,500V

    Voltage at 500 Ohms: 2,800V

    Maximum Fence Length (Low Vegetation): 2.0km

    Maximum Fence Length (Medium Vegetation): 0.7km

    Maximum Fence Length (High Vegetation): Not Recommended

    Approximate Number of Electrifiable Net: 1 net or 50m

    Earthing Stakes Required: 1

    Power Consumption: 10-20mA

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