Sanitair Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial Spray 500ML

Product code: 62020640

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£6.31 (£5.26 +VAT)
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Air Freshener with Anti-Viral & Anti-Bacterial Properties
Sanitair rejuvenates spaces with a distinct clean fragrance to neutralise and capture malodors. With independently tested anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, this product allows spaces to be decontaminated rapidly for re-use within a brief timeframe.

Perfect for frequently occupied spaces. Meets the requirements of EN 14476* & EN 13697** to kill 99.99% of bacteria and viruses. Sanitair works by rapidly binding to airborne particles in the atmosphere to form larger droplets which are, in turn, reduced to ground level surfaces where disinfection occurs.

The product features a high-volume discharge rate for maximum space treatment and leaves an immediately detectable fragrance which identifies a treated area.
HC8402 Liquid Science Sanitair


    • Suitable for use in virtually any small, medium or large room including: offices, classrooms, meeting rooms, hallways / corridors, production facilities, changing rooms and restrooms / washrooms. Ideal for use in rooms or internal areas where ventilation is inadequate
    • Directions for use: Spray several short bursts of the high discharge aerosol into each corner of the space and repeat as often as necessary. Leave to work for 5 – 15 minutes and the treated space may then be reoccupied. Coverage: A 500ml can should be sufficient to treat an area of around 200 – 300 cubic metres.

    *Tested to meet the requirements of EN 14476 on hard surfaces in clean conditions and proven to provide a 4-Log reduction in enveloped viruses in just 1 minute.
    ** Tested to meet the requirements of EN 13697 on hard surfaces in clean conditions with a contact time of 2 minutes

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