Stabila Spirit Level - Level No.81 10in Magnetic + Holster

Product code: 52331028

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Inverness Depot2
Kirkwall Depot2
£48.78 (£40.65 +VAT)
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The special profile shape makes it ideal for many craftsman, and the 25cm/10" length is a particular favourite of scaffolders and steel erectors.

Features strong magnets in the measuring surface for a secure hold on steel surfaces.

This spirit level can be used in the overhead position by turning the level upside down. In this 'transfer position' you can then precisely measure from underneath.

Features one horizontal and one vertical vials, vials accurate to 0.5mm per metre (0.029° = 0.5mm/m) in normal working position and 0.75mm per metre (0.043° = 0.75mm/m) in overhead position, and a milled measuring surface.

Vials are guaranteed to remain accurate for 10 years.


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