Britannia Aquashield High Build Waterproof Acrylic Roof Coat 20kging

Product code: 16167106

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£162.00 (£135.00 +VAT)
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Britannia Aquashield High Build Waterproof Roof Coating is ready to use without the need to prep most substrates. It works instantly, waterproofing the surface with only one coat needed. Britannia Aquashield can be rained upon immediately and it will have no negative effect on the drying, waterproofing or longevity of the product. Britannia Aquashield High Build Waterproof Roof Coating is available in 5kg and 20kg tins in three colours: black, grey and solar reflective white. Dependent on the substrate this 20kg tin will offer at least 10m2 of coverage and up to 20m2 of coverage. Suitable for general maintenance, but not for heavy foot traffic areas, this solvent-based waterproof roof coating is applied with a brush or a squeegee on a range of substrates. Most of these substrates don't need priming and you will just need to clean of moss, lichen and debris before you begin applying the coat. Don't worry about small gaps or cracks either as fibres in this Britannia paint lace together to cover these.


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