CT1 White Sealant

Product code: 16169708

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Perth Depot24
Elgin Depot34
£9.86 (£8.22 +VAT)
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If you’re looking for a clean, white sealant, look no further than CT1 White. This pristine construction sealant creates highly durable bonds effortlessly. CT1 is different to other sealants and adhesives because it contains revolutionary TRIBRID® Technology. This unique TRIBRID® Technology has been scientifically proven to triple the strength of bonds in all applications, making it 360% stronger than traditional hybrid polymers. Its incredible strength cannot be replicated or imitated. CT1 is the only product of its kind in the market and what makes it a favourite amongst professionals is its ability to successfully bond almost any material. This includes everything from metal to wood, glass, concrete, tiles, mirrors, and many more. CT1’s TRIBRID® Technology also means that bacteria cannot survive on its surface. In bathroom applications, CT1 provides effective bonds that will not get mouldy or develop fungus over time. This makes CT1 White a very safe and healthy sealant.


  • Excellent colour retention.
  • Environmentally compliant.
  • Approved by NAAF – Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association.
  • EC1 Plus Certified A+ Indoor Air Comfort GOLD®.
  • ISEGA Certified – Conforms to Food Preparation Standards.
  • Excellent resistance to chemicals.
  • Excellent resistance to fungal and bacteria growth.
  • UV resistant.
  • Excellent resistance to vibration.
  • Works in wet or dry conditions, even under water.
  • Perfect for marine and boating maintenance, accident and emergency repairs.
  • Can be used in all salt-water environments.
  • Instant repair and bonding with fibre glass and carbon fibre materials.
  • Odourless.
  • Does not shrink.
  • Contains no solvents.
  • No isocyanates.
  • Unique flexibility.
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