Levington Organic Farmyard Manure 50L

4 / 5 (1 review)

Product code: 40107203

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Kirkwall Depot22
Inverness Depot166
£6.65 (£5.54 +VAT)
Levington® Peat Free Farmyard Manure is a rich blend of concentrated manures with composted matter that improves poor soil. Made with sustainably sourced green compost, Levington Organic Blend Manure contains Humus, which increases the yield of your crops.

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    • Dig into soil to breakdown heavy clay soil and improve water holding capacity of light sandy soil.
    • Improves the vitality of roses, flowers, fruit and vegetables

    Customer reviews

    4 out of 5 stars overall (from 1 review)

    Written by John Watson on 26/02/2015
    Good quality and value for money option for enriching my rose bed. Easily applied and looked good when finished. Recommended.

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