Levington Tomorite Planter Growbag 42L

Product code: 40106012

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Elgin Depot16
Turriff Depot42
Inverness Depot261
£6.65 (£5.54 +VAT)
The Levington Tomorite Planter Bag is a large grow bag with 3 planting slots. These deep grow bags will get your tomatoes off to the best start, allowing plenty of space for each plant to develop. Unlike a lot of grow bags, the Tomorite planter bags come premixed with Tomorite tomato food and added seaweed extract to promote vigorous, healthy growth. Being pre-fed means you won't have to feed your plants for a few weeks, simply water and let them grow. Alternatively, use with Grow Bag Cane Support Frames in order to help support your tomatoes or crops and protect them from windy weather. Consequently, this large planter is the perfect base for tasty and healthy tomatoes or delicious and high yielding crops.

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