Weedol Gun! Ultra Tough Weedkiller

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From £5.70 (£4.75 +VAT)
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1L is a spray bottle. 5L is a power sprayer. This new weedkiller kills tough weeds right down to the roots so they don't come back. Kills brambles, nettles, thistles, docks and other deep-rooted weeds. It's also perfect for clearing untidy or overgrown areas. Tough garden weeds can be difficult to control. That's where Weedol Gun! Ultra Tough Weedkiller comes to the rescue. It's tried and tested combination of glyphosate and pyraflufen-ethyl ensures great weed kill of even difficult, perennial weeds right down to the roots – so they won’t come back.
  • Capacity


  • This unique new innovation in weed control is a battery-operated spray applicator that makes gardeners’ lives easier and controlling weeds quicker and simpler
  • The extended spray lance ensures optimum accuracy and the adjustable spray head has 3 settings for perfect precision for every weeding task
  • The Weedol Power Sprayer is the perfect answer for controlling weeds where there is extensive weed coverage and/or large areas to treat

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